WAO Summer Newsletter 2024

sunflower during sunset
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Hello and welcome to Women’s Aid Orkney’s Summer Newsletter.


  • A service user who has secured a full-time job after an extended period of unemployment.
  • Attended transition days at KGS despite being very nervous.
  •  A service user and her little one settled into permanent accommodation.
  • Undertaken their SQA exams.
  • “Thank you so much, you do so much to help me, and I could not do this without your support.”
  • Making the brave decision to put herself and her child first to help them both heal.  
  • “I can’t wait to come to your groups in summer and meet other people like me.”
  • “It’s good to know you’re here if I need.”
  •  Getting herself and her children to safety by leaving the perpetrator.
  • “I approached womens aid and yet again their expertise empathy and caring nature is guiding me through this bad situation , I can see the light at the end of the tunnel which a few months ago I couldn’t see a future.  I genuinely don’t know where I would be without woman’s aid.”




Women’s Aid Orkney Board

Women’s Aid Orkney are looking for new board members. If you would like to use your skills and experience to support a local charity, we would love to hear from you. No previous board experience is required, training and mentorship will be given to all new board members.

Please email info@womensaidorkney.org.uk to express your interest and receive a board application. Our current board members will also be happy to speak to anyone interested about what being on our board entails.

All applicants will require a PVG check.

Please note, applications will be accepted from women only under Schedule 9, part 1 of the Equality Act 2010. Women’s Aid Orkney is an equal opportunities employer, all women, including women with the protected characteristic of gender reassignment, may apply for women-only roles.

Own My Life Employability

We are delighted to announce that we are running a pilot of Own My Life’s new Employability course. For one hour a week, over 6 weeks, we will be looking at the unique needs and challenges facing women obtaining and maintaining employment. Women do not need to be receiving support from Women’s Aid Orkney to take part.

Family Forward fun day

Join us on Saturday the 27th of July at the KGS hall, for a family fun day organized by Family Forward. Everybody is welcome! There will be plenty of food and drinks available, bouncy castle, face painting, glitter tattoos and more! The lucky dips will be £2, but everything else is free with the potential to donate if able. Come along, have a great day and find out what Family Forward do at Women’s Aid Orkney!

WAO Clothes donations

Women’s Aid Orkney are looking for donations of women’s clothing, shoes and accessories. We would be incredibly grateful for your donations, all we ask that items are in very good condition. We are looking for all sizes and styles.

Woman holding cardboard donation box full with clothes. Concept of volunteering work, donation and clothes recycling. Helping poor people


We have a WAO Wish List on Amazon, if you would like to send us something, we would be incredibly grateful & it could really make someone’s day.  https://smile.amazon.co.uk/…/ref=nav_wishlist_lists_1


Special Thanks…

  •  Restart Orkney, who continue to go out of their way to help people when in need to furniture for new houses.
  • Orkney Islands Council Homelessness and Advice department, who will go above and beyond even when working with such a difficult housing situation just now.
  • Thank you to everyone who has already donated clothing to us.
  • And a HUGE thank you to everyone who has supported us over the last few months.
a person holding a gray thank you signage
Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels.com